General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

  1. Scope of Application

These General Terms and Conditions form the contractual basis between the lessee and Digital Mobility AG (hereinafter referred to as the lessor) and apply to all contractual relationships between the lessee and the lessor.

  1. Conclusion of Contract

The contract between the Lessee and the Lessor shall come into effect upon unconditional acceptance of the registration and/or reservation by the Lessor. Receipt of the registration confirmation/reservation confirmation indicates to the Lessee that his registration/reservation has been received and accepted by the Lessor and that the contract has therefore been concluded. By completing the registration and/or reservation, the Lessee confirms that he has read the General Terms and Conditions and accepts them unconditionally.

  1. Reservation

a) The lessee must reserve the desired rental vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “van”) via the QuickRent reservation system after registering and logging in before the journey. A fee is charged for the reservation in accordance with the relevant tariff regulations. Reservations without registration/application are not possible.

b) Upon completion of a reservation, the expected rental costs and an additional reserve amount of CHF 100 will be reserved from the lessee’s deposited means of payment. The reserve amount serves as a reserve for any additional costs for additional kilometers or extensions of the lessee. The actual rental costs will be calculated automatically at the end of the lessee’s rental period and deducted from the reserved amount. Any costs for additional kilometers or extensions of the lessee will be deducted from the reserve amount. If no additional kilometers are made and the rental is not extended for an additional charge, the reserve amount will be released in full at the end of the rental. If the actual rental costs are higher than the total amount reserved, the additional costs will be automatically deducted from the lessee’s deposited means of payment.

If the required amount cannot be reserved (e.g. because the deposited means of payment is invalid or does not have sufficient funds), the reservation remains valid. In this case, the lessee will receive a message by e-mail with instructions on how to solve the problem and a link to try the authorization again. The lessee then has the option of resolving the problem and authorizing the payment or canceling the reservation immediately. If the reservation is not canceled immediately, the rental costs will be charged.

c) The calculation of kilometers driven begins and ends at the respective pick-up location. Sufficient time must be allowed at the time of reservation to ensure that the vehicle is returned on time.

d) The lessee is responsible for the van from the time it is picked up until it is returned. Vans must be returned to the original location at the end of the rental and parked in the original QuickRent parking lot. One-way trips are not possible. More detailed information on the parking rules can be found on the QuickRent website (

e) The lessee can cancel a reservation up to 48 hours before the start of the rental period without incurring any costs. If the cancellation is made after 48 hours before the start of the rental period or if the reserved van is not used without prior cancellation, the lessee must pay the full rental price. In both cases, there is no entitlement to a refund of the rental costs.

  1. Vehicle Usage

a) The period between vehicle collection and vehicle return is deemed to be vehicle use. Furthermore, any action in connection with the use of QuickRent vehicles is considered vehicle use.

b) The lessee is only entitled to use the vehicle if he has successfully registered in the online portal or in the Lessor’s app and is in possession of a driver’s license valid in Switzerland for the relevant vehicle category. Driving without a valid driver’s license will be prosecuted and may result in compensation for damages. The lessee authorizes the lessor to check with the competent authorities, both at the time of registration and throughout the duration of the contract, that he has a valid driving license and that he has not been disqualified from driving.

c) The lessee must observe all traffic regulations and inform himself carefully about the traffic regulations of the countries he is traveling to with the van.

d) Vans may not be driven while under the influence of alcohol, medication or drugs or in any other condition that impairs the ability to react.

e) If the reserved van is not at the pick-up location at the start of the rental period, the Rental Firm must be informed immediately via the hotline.

f) Before starting the journey, the lessee must ensure that the van is in a safe operating condition in accordance with the Road Traffic Act. Any safety-related damage/defects must be reported to the Lessor immediately by telephone before the start of the journey.

g) Smoking is prohibited in the vans. If the smoking ban is disregarded, the lessee will be charged a penalty fee of CHF 200. Any cleaning fees in accordance with clause 5 letter i will be charged additionally.

h) Vans may not be used

  • to tow, haul, or otherwise move another vehicle
  • for the transport of goods or persons for remuneration
  • in motor sports events or other competitions
  • for skid courses, driving courses, etc.
  • for driving lessons
  • in an overloaded condition, i.e., with a number of persons or payload exceeding the quantity specified in the vehicle registration
  • for the transport of flammable, explosive, toxic, or hazardous substances
  • for the commission of customs offenses and other crimes, even if only punishable under the law of the place of the offense
  • for subletting
  • for off-road or non-public road trips
  • in demonstrations or rallies
  • as an advertising medium
  • Any exceptions to this usage policy require written approval from the QuickRent management.

i) The lessee may park his private vehicle in the signposted QuickRent parking lot of the rented van during the rental period as long as it does not obstruct access to other vehicles.

j) It is not permitted to remove or dismantle seats or other vehicle installations from the van.

k) Pets may only be transported in suitable transport containers.

l) The van must be thoroughly cleaned at the renter’s own expense before it is returned.

m) At the Lessor’s request, the Lessee must provide the exact location of the van at any time.

n) All damage caused by improper or inappropriate use of the van will be charged in full to the lessee.

o) If the van reserved by a customer is not available for proper use at the start of the journey (e.g. due to late return of the vehicle by the previous hirer, defects, etc.), another van will be made available to the customer at the next possible location, subject to availability. There is no entitlement to a replacement of the failed van. Furthermore, there is no entitlement to compensation for the damage caused by the broken-down van.

  1. Vehicle Return

a) The van must be returned to its pick-up location at the latest at the end of the reservation period with a full tank of fuel and in a clean and operational condition. If it is not possible to return the van on time and extend the lessee’s rental period, the Lessor must be informed immediately by telephone. After the reservation time has expired, there is an additional reserve time of one hour. If the reserve time is used, additional costs may be incurred in accordance with the relevant tariff regulations. If the van is not returned to its pick-up location at the end of the reserve time, the lessee must pay a penalty fee of CHF 300 and compensate for any damage. In this case, the lessee is also liable for accidental damage. If the Lessor is required to return the van to the pick-up location, the Lessee will be charged for this service in full plus any fees. The fee for returning the van is at least CHF 300 and will be charged in addition to the penalty fee.

b) Extension of the lessee’s rental period

The rental period can be extended at any time online or via the QuickRent app, provided the van has not already been reserved by another customer after the end of the reservation period. A fee may be charged for extending the rental period in accordance with the relevant tariff regulations. By making an extension, the lessee confirms that he has taken note of the applicable tariff and expressly agrees to it. The Lessor may refuse the extension without giving reasons. If an extension of the rental relationship is agreed to, all conditions of the original rental relationship shall continue to apply unchanged unless otherwise agreed in writing.

c) At the end of the reservation period, the van must be parked exactly in the parking space of the signposted QuickRent parking lot at the pick-up location. If it is necessary for the Lessor to repark the van or if a towing service is commissioned by a third party, this service plus any fees and claims for damages by third parties will be charged in full to the Lessee. The fee for reparking by the Lessor shall be at least CHF 200.

d) At the request of the Lessor, the lessee must present the van at a QuickRent pick-up station.

e) The van must be filled with fuel before the end of the rental period. The lessee shall bear the fuel costs. If this is not observed, a refueling fee of CHF 150 will be charged in addition to the fuel costs. The lessee must ensure that refueling is carried out exclusively with the fuel intended for the van. In the event of non-compliance, the lessee will be charged the consequential costs incurred as a result of the incorrect refueling.

f) The rental is terminated by the lessee inserting the chip/badge on the vehicle key into the holder provided for this purpose (badge box) and completing the rental using the QuickRent app. If the lessee leaves the van without ending the rental, the rental will continue at the expense of the lessee and will be charged accordingly.

g) After returning the van, all battery-powered devices must be switched off and windows and doors must be locked correctly. Any new defects on the van must be photographed and sent to the Rental Firm via the QuickRent app or directly by e-mail.

h) The Lessor is responsible for the regular maintenance and cleaning of the vans.

i) Self-caused, clearly visible soiling on the van, both outside and inside, must be removed by the lessee at his own expense during the reserved period. If the lessee fails to remove self-caused soiling, the lessor will charge the lessee a fee corresponding to the cleaning effort. The minimum fee for cleaning the van is CHF 150. If soiling already present at the start of the rental is not reported immediately with a photo via the QuickRent app or by e-mail, the Lessor is entitled to consider the lessee who last used the van before the soiling was discovered or the subsequent lessee was notified in good time as the person responsible for the soiling and to hold them liable accordingly.

j) The Lessor shall not be liable for the consequences of defects in the system (opening and locking system or reservation system). The same applies to consequential damage due to defects in the transporters. The liability provisions under road traffic law in the event of accidents remain reserved.

  1. Minimum Age / Driver’s License

The minimum age for renting and driving one of the Lessor’s vans is 18 years. The lessee must be in possession of a driver’s license valid in Switzerland at the start of the rental period. He must upload photos of the front and back of his driver’s license to the QuickRent system when registering.

  1. Authorized Drivers

The van may be driven by the lessee himself as well as by authorized additional drivers. Additional drivers must notify the Rental Firm at least one hour before the start of the rental period, providing the following information:

  • First name and surname
  • Photo of the front and back of the driver’s license
  • Home address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

The lessee remains responsible to the lessor for the fulfillment of all obligations arising from the rental contract and the associated additional conditions, even if he does not drive the van himself. The provisions on the minimum age and validity of the driver’s license in accordance with clause 6 and the provisions of clause 12 also apply to additional drivers.

  1. Rental Price

a) The lessee undertakes to pay the prices for the selected tariff including any additional costs (e.g. for additional kilometers, extensions of the rental period, etc.). The rates and costs can be viewed on the QuickRent website ( and are displayed in the cost calculator before a reservation is made. By concluding a reservation, the lessee confirms that he has taken note of the rates and expressly agrees to them.

b) The estimated rental price is displayed in the cost calculator of the reservation system before a reservation is made and includes the use of the booked van for the reserved period. If the lessee terminates the rental prematurely, the full rate for the originally reserved period will be charged. Extensions to the rental period may result in an increase in the rental price. The lessee must inform himself/herself about the corresponding rates.

c) The lessee may shorten the reservation period of his booking up to 48 hours before the start of the rental period without the price for the originally reserved period being charged. If the reservation time is shortened after 48 hours before the start of the rental period, the lessee must pay the full price for the originally reserved period.

d) The rental costs shall be charged using the means of payment deposited by the lessee. The lessee agrees that any subsequent charges (e.g. for buses, fees, etc.) may be made using the deposited means of payment. Changes to the means of payment must be made directly in the lessee’s profile. The lessee must ensure that the deposited means of payment is valid and has sufficient funds. If the rental costs cannot be debited via the deposited means of payment, the Lessor may issue a separate invoice for the rental costs and charge an invoice fee.

e) The lessee agrees that he will not receive paper invoices and that the lessor will instead send an electronic invoice to the e-mail address provided in accordance with the legal requirements. The lessee is responsible for ensuring that he receives the electronic invoices. The Lessee shall be responsible for any disruptions to the receiving equipment or other circumstances that prevent access.

f) If an invoice is issued for the rental costs, these shall become due for payment when the invoice is issued. The invoice must be paid within the period stated on the invoice. After expiry of the payment deadline, the entire outstanding amount shall automatically be in default without a reminder.

g) The Lessor may assign its claims to third parties at any time. In the event of payment arrears, fees and additional costs may be incurred. These shall be borne in full by the lessee.

h) If the lessee defaults on payment, the lessor may send the lessee a reminder. The reminder fees are CHF 10 for the first reminder, CHF 20 for the second reminder and CHF 30 for any third reminder. If the reminder is unsuccessful, the Lessor may assign the claim to a third-party company commissioned to collect the debt at any time. The company entrusted with the collection will claim the outstanding amounts in its own name and for its own account and may charge additional processing fees.

i) Complaints regarding the accuracy of the invoice must be made in writing within 10 days of receipt of the statement of costs, otherwise it shall be deemed to have been accepted.

j) The lessee agrees that any penalties or fees (e.g. for refueling, cleaning, etc.) may be debited from the deposited means of payment. If an invoice is issued for penalties or charges, the provisions of letters e to l shall apply.

k) Unpaid invoices may lead to the suspension or withdrawal of the right to use the Lessor’s services without prior notification of the Lessee, regardless of whether or not a reminder is issued. Furthermore, in such cases the Lessor reserves the right to terminate the contract unilaterally and without notice.

l) The suspension or withdrawal of the right of use and the termination of the contract by the Lessor shall not entitle the Lessor to reduce any claims already incurred by the Lessor or to refund any payments already made by the Lessee.

  1. Maintenance / Repairs

The lessee must use the van carefully and check the oil and water levels and tire pressure regularly. The lessee must immediately report any defects that he does not have to rectify himself to the Lessor and follow the Lessor’s instructions regarding the rectification of defects. For expenses in connection with defects (such as engine oil, spare parts, repair costs), a cost credit agreement must be obtained from the Lessor in advance. Expenses incurred as part of a cost approval will be reimbursed to the lessee upon return of the van upon presentation of the corresponding receipts. Repairs carried out by the lessee are prohibited.

  1. Breakdowns and Accidents with the Rental Vehicle

a) If defects, damage or other irregularities or breakdowns occur which do not affect the continuation of the journey and/or the safety of the occupants, these must be reported to the Lessor immediately by e-mail.

b) In the event of incidents such as theft, loss, fire, damage caused by wild animals or other damage, the lessee must notify the police immediately and have a police report drawn up. Opposing claims may not be recognized. In the event of theft, loss or misappropriation of the vehicle, the Lessor must be contacted immediately in addition to the police. The lessee must immediately prepare a written report of all the events mentioned, even minor damage, and send it to the Lessor by e-mail. In the event of an accident, the report must contain in particular the names and addresses of the persons involved and any witnesses, as well as the registration numbers of the vehicles involved. In the event of theft, the vehicle keys, a report on the circumstances of the theft and the police report must be submitted to the Lessor within 24 hours.

c) If neither a damage report nor a police report is available, the Lessor shall be entitled to consider the lessee who last used the van before the damage was ascertained as the party responsible for the damage and to hold him/her liable accordingly. For this purpose, the Lessor may make use of the electronic journey record. The lessee is free to provide evidence to the contrary.

d) In the event of breakdowns or accidents that make it difficult or even impossible to continue the journey and/or endanger the safety of the occupants, the Lessor must be consulted immediately on how to proceed.

General rules:

  • The owner must be notified immediately by phone via the hotline.
  • In the event of an accident, a European accident report must be completed (form is located in the van). The form must be sent to the Lessor immediately by e-mail.
  • The driver/lessee must not sign an acknowledgement of fault. It will not be accepted by the Lessor.
  • A breakdown service in Switzerland and abroad may only be called out after prior consultation with the Lessor. Otherwise, the Lessor will not cover the costs of the breakdown service or will charge the lessee.

e) Repair orders may only be placed by the Lessor. It is not permitted for the lessee to have damage to the van repaired without the Lessor’s permission.

f) If the warning lights light up red, the van must be stopped immediately and the Lessor must be contacted by telephone for further instructions. The van may no longer be driven. If the warning lights light up yellow, it is generally permitted to continue driving. In this case, the Lessor must be notified by e-mail.

g) Operating damage caused by negligent handling (e.g. self-inflicted tire damage, above-average clutch wear due to improper operation, incorrect refueling, mechanical damage caused by incorrect handling) and the associated consequential costs are not covered by the insurance and will be charged in full to the lessee.

h) If the van is unavailable due to a breakdown or accident, the lessee must organize the onward journey and is not entitled to compensation for the unavailable van.

11. Damages to the Rental Vehicle

a) Der Kunde hat der Vermieterin für Schäden am Transporter, welche er in Verletzung der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und/oder durch unsachgemässen Gebrauch verursacht, vollumfänglich Ersatz zu leisten.

b) Treten Defekte, Schäden oder andere Unregelmässigkeiten bzw. Pannen auf, welche die Weiterfahrt und/oder die Sicherheit der Insassen nicht beeinträchtigen, so sind diese der Vermieterin umgehend per E-Mail zu melden.

c) Der Mieter ist verpflichtet, vor Antritt der Miete den Aussenbereich des Transporters und unmittelbar nach Antritt der Miete den Innenbereich (Fahrerkabine, Laderaum) auf bereits vorhandene Schäden zu kontrollieren und vorhandene und nicht markierte Schäden umgehend mit Foto in der QuickRent-App oder per E-Mail zu melden. Liegt keine rechtzeitige Schadenmeldung vor, ist die Vermieterin berechtigt, den Mieter, der den Transporter vor der ersten Schadensfeststellung oder der rechtzeitigen Schadenmeldung des nächsten Mieters zuletzt genutzt hat, als Schadensverursacher zu betrachten und entsprechend zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. Zu diesem Zweck kann die Vermieterin auf die elektronische Fahrtenaufzeichnung zurückgreifen. Dem Kunden steht der Gegenbeweis offen.

d) Schäden werden nach Ermessen der Vermieterin und deren Versicherungsgesellschaft repariert. Die Vermieterin ist berechtigt, im Schadenfall Schadenursache, Umfang und Bezifferung des Schadens durch einen von ihr bestellten unabhängigen Fachgutachter auf Kosten des Mieters feststellen zu lassen. Der Mieter erklärt sich damit einverstanden, dass die Feststellung und die Schadenbezifferung eines solchen Gutachtens mit für ihn bindender Wirkung im Sinne von Art. 189 ZPO der Schadenregulierung zugrunde gelegt werden.

e) Ist der Transporter als Folge eines Schadenfalls für die Vermieterin nicht nutzbar, so kann sie dem verantwortlichen Mieter für die Dauer der Reparatur den Nutzungsausfall in Rechnung stellen.

12. Insurance cover and liability

a) The Lessor shall insure the vans made available for use in accordance with the provisions of road traffic law. To this end, it shall take out liability and fully comprehensive insurance for each van.

b) In the event of damage, the following insurance benefits shall apply in the event of damage to vehicles:

  • QuickRent vehicles are insured against third party liability and fully comprehensive cover in the event of an accident.

c) With regard to the deductible, the following rule applies in principle:

  • Deductible liability insurance per claim CHF 1,500
  • Deductible fully comprehensive insurance per claim CHF 1,500
  • Maximum deductible per claim CHF 3,000

d) Special cases of the deductible:

  • Additional deductible for new drivers (less than two years in possession of a driver’s license) CHF 500
  • Additional excess for young drivers (drivers under 25 years of age) CHF 1,000
  • Additional maximum deductible per claim CHF 1,500

e) Lessor’s right of recourse

If the Lessor is liable for damage caused by the Lessee on the basis of motor vehicle owner’s liability or for other reasons, the right of recourse against the Lessee to the extent of the deductible is reserved in all cases. In the event of damage caused by gross negligence in uninsured cases (e.g. if the driver caused the damage while drunk or unfit to drive, under the influence of drugs or abusing medication), the Lessor reserves the right to recourse against the Lessee to the full extent of the damage.

f) Irrespective of the insurance benefits under Section 12, the lessee shall be liable for culpably caused damage. This applies in particular to:

  • Recourse claims from the insurance company or Lessor (e.g. due to alcohol abuse)

The Lessor reserves the right to assert further claims for damages of any kind.

g) The Lessor may amend the insurance conditions and insurance benefits at any time. In this case, the new regulation of the insurance conditions and insurance benefits shall not apply retroactively, i.e. to reservations already made.

h) The insurance cover does not constitute a waiver by the Lessor of contractual or non-contractual claims for damages of any kind against lessees or third parties. The Lessor reserves the right to assert such claims against the Lessee at any time.

13. Traffic rule violations

a) The police shall always report traffic fines and violations of traffic regulations by the Lessee to the Lessor. The Lessor shall provide the police with the necessary personal data of the lessee concerned and charge the lessee a fee of CHF 20 for the Lessor’s expenses. The lessee is responsible for the conduct of the proceedings with all cost consequences (representation costs, procedural costs, fines, etc.).

b) The lessee/driver is fully liable for the consequences of traffic violations or other offenses committed with the rental vehicle. He shall be liable for all resulting damages, fees and costs and shall fully indemnify the Lessor against all third-party claims.

14. Journeys abroad

a) The use of the van is permitted in the following countries:

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. This also applies to the use of the van on islands within these countries (with the exception of the Canary Islands and islands outside Europe that belong to the above-mentioned countries). The use of the van in all other countries is a material breach of contract and invalidates all limitations of liability of the lessee.

The Lessor reserves the right to amend this list of countries at any time. The lessee must take out special insurances such as the Euro cover. When traveling abroad, the lessee must independently take care of the vehicle and other equipment required by law in the respective country.

b) The lessee must observe all traffic regulations and inform himself carefully about the traffic regulations of the countries he is traveling to with the van.

15. Changes of address and name

All changes to the information provided at the time of reservation/registration, i.e. when the contract is concluded (namely changes of name and address) must be reported to the Lessor immediately by e-mail or made directly on the customer portal or in the Lessee’s profile. Until receipt of the new name or address, notifications from the Lessor to the last known name or address shall be deemed to have been validly delivered. The term “address” includes postal address, e-mail address and telephone number.

16. Liability of the lessee

a) The Lessee shall be liable for all damage incurred by the Lessor as a result of illegal, non-contractual or careless actions by the Lessee or its auxiliary persons. This includes in particular the theft of, damage to or loss of the van as well as keys and accessories.

b) The Lessee shall compensate the Lessor in full for any damage to the van caused by the Lessee in breach of the General Terms and Conditions and/or improper or inappropriate use.

c) In addition, the lessee shall be liable in particular for all defects or damage to the van for which he is responsible. This includes, but is not limited to, damage caused by refueling with the wrong fuel, failure to observe the maximum heights for garage entrances, underpasses, etc. improper use of snow chains, careless handling of the vehicle interior (in particular cigarette holes, tears and stains on upholstery and carpets), off-road driving and generally careless handling (in particular damage to the underbody such as steering, transmission, suspension, suspension damage as well as damage to axle parts, sills, oil pan, pipes, exhaust system, shielding plates and covers), incorrect manipulation of vans (mechanical damage to clutch, transmission, suspension, etc.), which are not covered by the warranty. ), which are not covered by the warranty.

d) The scope of liability includes the repair costs or the value of the vehicle in the event of a total loss as well as other damages such as towing costs, costs for expertise, depreciation of the rental property, lost rental income, legal fees, administration fees.

e) The lessee is obliged to check the exterior of the van before the start of the rental and the interior (driver’s cab, cargo area) immediately after the start of the rental for any existing damage and to report any existing and unmarked damage immediately with a photo in the QuickRent app or directly by e-mail. If no damage is reported in good time, the Lessor shall be entitled to consider the Lessee who last used the van before the damage was detected or the next Lessee reported the damage in good time as the party responsible for the damage and to hold them liable accordingly. For this purpose, the Lessor may use the electronic journey recording system. The customer is free to provide evidence to the contrary.

f) The Lessor accepts no liability for items forgotten or stolen in the van.

17. Liability of the Lessor

The Lessor shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the Lessee as a result of a defect in the van, unless the Lessor caused the damage intentionally or through gross negligence. In addition, any contractual and non-contractual liability of the Lessor towards the Lessee and any other persons entitled under the contract is excluded, unless the Lessor has caused the damage intentionally or through gross negligence. The Lessor shall not be liable for damage caused by its auxiliary persons.

18. Termination, termination of the contract

a) The Lessor may terminate the Lessee’s customer account at any time without giving reasons and cancel reservations made at any time and without giving reasons. In this case, the lessee shall not incur any costs. The Lessor shall not be liable for any damage caused by the cancellation.

In particular, the Lessor may terminate the contract without notice if the Lessee has provided incorrect information or concealed facts when concluding the contract or during the course of the contractual relationship and the Lessor cannot therefore reasonably be expected to continue the contract, or if the Lessee fails to refrain from a serious breach of contract despite a written warning or fails to remedy the consequences of such breaches of contract that have already occurred without delay.

Furthermore, the Lessor reserves the right to terminate the customer relationship with immediate effect by terminating the customer account in the event of damage, breaches of the General Terms and Conditions or serious offenses.

b) The lessee can request the deletion of his QuickRent account at any time in writing or by e-mail. As the receipt and processing of any fines and the processing of damage reports or claims can take some time, the final deletion of a lessee account can take place at the earliest 3 months after the last rental has been completed. When a user account is deleted, all personal data is deleted from the QuickRent system.

c) The lessee can cancel a reservation up to 48 hours before the start of the rental at the latest without incurring any costs. If the cancellation is made after 48 hours before the start of the rental or if the reserved van is not used without prior cancellation, the lessee must pay the full rental price. In both cases, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of the rental costs.

19. Other regulations

a) The Lessor does not provide any accessories such as lashing straps, child seats, roof racks, trailer hitches, blankets, etc.

b) The telematics system installed in the van records accident data and the route taken by the van. The lessee agrees that this data can be retrieved by the Lessor if necessary.

c) The Lessor shall comply with the provisions of Swiss data protection legislation when managing and processing personal data. The Lessor shall be entitled to process personal data and create corresponding data collections for the purpose of concluding the contract, processing the mutual contractual services and safeguarding its own legitimate business interests. Customers’ personal data may only be disclosed to third parties in connection with Lessor’s business activities. Address trading is excluded.

d) The Lessor reserves the right to obtain all information from public authorities, partner companies and private individuals necessary for the verification (credit check, driver’s license check, etc.) and processing of the contract and the use of the vans.

e) All vans are equipped with the required highway vignette for Swiss highways. Other domestic and foreign fees (e.g. tolls, environmental stickers, etc.) are not included in the service and cannot be claimed from the Lessor.

f) The Lessor accepts no liability for damage or accidents suffered by the Lessee on the way or at a van location.

g) Telephone conversations with the Lessor may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.

h) The Lessor is entitled to unilaterally amend these General Terms and Conditions as well as the tariffs and fees and all other generally applicable provisions of the Lessor at any time. The current and binding version of the General Terms and Conditions, the rates and fees and all other generally applicable provisions of QuickRent are published on

20. Data protection

a) All data that the Lessor holds on the Lessee or other persons affected by the rental process shall be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act.

b) The Lessor is expressly authorized by the Lessee to process, in addition to his general personal data, all other data and images contained in his driver’s license or in an identification document (passport/ID), communication data (in particular e-mail address), financial data (e.g. credit card data) and all other personal data for purposes related to the rental of a van.

21. Amendment of the contract

Amendments and changes to this contract must be made in writing to be valid.

22. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction

This contract is subject to Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Bern.